MovableBlog: Asides: September 2004

September 30, 2004

Today is Date a Geek Day "Leave computer, it is not required." [#]

September 28, 2004

Paulo lists the tables you need to clear if you want to get rid of your entries, comments, and trackbacks but keep your templates [#]

Google acknowledges that it does not include links to content inaccessible from within China on the Chinese version of its news site I'm impressed that they were able to "leave aside the politics", which is, of course, impossible. [#]

September 27, 2004

Introducing the Drupal theme garden [#]

Herding free-range cats: politics, open source, and the story of Civicspace [#]

Textpattern 1.0rc1 released [#]

September 26, 2004

Dave Sifry on the fire at the colocation downing Technorati That was just problem #1. [#]

September 25, 2004

Code pickiness I'm picky about whitespace too. [#]

How Google Local Canada can improve It'd be tragic if those evil robots win. [#]

September 22, 2004

Quicksilver changed Charles' life [#]

screen changed Charles' life [#]

Google Local Canada [#] is using Trackback and Pingback [#]

What's new in NetNewsWire 2.0 Searching, scripting, and inline browser using tabs make the coolest aggregator even cooler. [#]

September 21, 2004

Feed Your Reader Now replaces the functionality of the RSS button with 'subscribe' instead of live bookmarks. [#]

September 20, 2004 developers list [#]

September 19, 2004

Fun with Perl, procmail, and social network software [#]

There's never a step 3 with Apple [#]

September 18, 2004

Brad Choate's overview of the PHP architecture in Movable Type [#]

September 17, 2004

FeedDemon to prompt to unsubscribe on a 410 HTTP code Also announced: RFC3229 support. [#]

My honest use of Trackback causes Joey to tell me to chill out Sure it's democratic, but when you're using it to add links to something related (that was all I was trying to do: I knew Joey was being ironic). Besides, I only really use it to increase the amount of inbound hits to my sites. As if you don't. (And who would have guessed that if you Trackback a popular site you get a lot of hits from it? I totally didn't see that coming.) [#]

September 15, 2004

Digital Web's Kris Krug interviews Mena Trott She says "I think there is a perception that because TypePad, unlike Moveable Type, wasn’t a pay product from day one, there is something inferior about TypePad." I talked to Kris, and he assured me that anytime you go "huh?" when reading the interview (as I did with the TypePad quote), it's probably wise to give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she misspoke. [#]

Wordpress as CMS Having "Post slugs" right at the top of WP, right out of the box, makes it easy, though I'm surprised they're not mentioned (or used?) in this writeup. [#]

September 13, 2004

The underlying problem in the RSS bandwidth discussion is that HTTP doesn't scale enough See also PubSub's Bob Wyman on RFC3229 and eTags. [#]

My wiki If Joi Ito can have one, so can I. (svn repository forthcoming.) [#]

Drupal does sticky posts easily It's too complicated in MT for average users. That said, Elise does an excellent job of explaining how to do it, as usual. [#]

September 10, 2004

Joshua and Stewart propose a $800/hr consultancy firm dedicated to proposing tags to organize data Untapped market? [#]

September 9, 2004

Photomatt injects a little sanity into the RSS bandwidth usage debate gzip and last-modified headers are your friends. [#]

RSS feed of's 'via' links Something I hacked up using the regex from the code to the 'Via' Links page. My version uses Magpie, which caches requests (Andy has bandwidth to spare, I know, but still), and takes Andy's RSS feed instead of scraping the HTML each time the page loads. Still in development, code forthcoming. [#]

Joey DeVilla reviews Dive Into Python by Mark Pilgrim [#]

September 8, 2004

Emergency services for VoIP customers are lacking I love the reference to the Public Enemy song in the title. [#]

Linking to excerpts of larger MP3s [#]

Securing wi-fi while maintaining privacy in public libraries See also AKMA's story about using the library wi-fi after closing hours. (Every metropolitan public library should have wi-fi.) [#]

ecto 2.0 public beta released Any guesses as to what I'm using to post this? [#]

September 7, 2004

Why Adam Kalsey does not recomment Firefox The comments and Trackbacks are worth reading too, in particular Dave Lowe's disagreement (and Adam's reply in the comments) and Frank's disagreement (and Adam's lengthy reply in the comments). [#]

September 6, 2004

Ian wonders about that other cheap music service, Darren Barefoot tried it out and was happy with it. [#]

9 steps to a quicker MT 3.1x installation [#]

September 30th is Date a Geek Day [#]

How your computer manipulates you [#]

September 5, 2004

Blogs "considered" harmful A rehash of "Considered Harmful" Essays Considered Harmful? [#]

To ping or not to ping I feel no obligation to actually link to posts that I ping of the same subject. The third paragraph of Suw's article is funny because I know of two high-profile bloggers that do that. [#]

September 4, 2004

Upgrading to MT using rsync Kind of annoying that you have the archive up to the server before using rsync, but I can understand why 6A would want you to login before downloading. [#]

iTunes Music Store is never coming to Canada Funny, but that's probably because it's true. [#]

Slides from the Vancouver Python conference held at the beginning of August [#]

September 3, 2004

MT 3.11 released A rare post from developer Ezra Cooper (then again, he's a recent hire...). [#]

Six Apart professional network weblog Anil had been linking to great MT-related stuff in his personal links blog, and I had wished that the company had its own, official links blog. While not technically a sidebar links blog, this will do nicely. Anil's introduction to the weblog. [#]

September 2, 2004

Search content licensed under the Creative Commons [#]

Kalsey muses about 6A He worries that the company has stopped innovating, but is confident that MT will be a stable product for power-users, large organizations and developers. [#]

Install multiple WordPress weblogs using PHP and shell scripts See also Shelley's guide to installing multiple WordPress weblogs. [#]

How to get your MSN music files to play on an iPod Check the howler in the penultimate sentence. [#]

Indispensable Mac OS X products I've been happy with Jonas' software choices for the things I need, and I wish I had time to try out his choices for the things I want. [#]

September 1, 2004

Blogzilla is back! [#]

Virtual cubicles I just setup a work account on all the services (save ICQ) so that only co-workers can bug me when I'm supposed to be working. [#]