MovableBlog: Found Out

Nuance 2.0

July 15, 2002

Things we (Bill and I, MT aficionados both) found out today. Er, yesterday.

- MT does not support nested tags (such as <MTTag attribute="<$MTTag2$>">)
- it would be exceedingly difficult (impossible?) to have PHP plugins for MT, since it's written in Perl.
- writing plugins for MT is hard if you don't know Perl.
- writing plugins might actually be a reason for learning Perl.

Posted by Richard at 1:07


I may have solved the MT PHP plugin problem yet. "What's that", you say, "PHP plugins? That's impossible!!"

Well apparently you've never met Bill :-)

Alright, I should probably brag after i get it working, but be prepared for native support by the end of this week. I'll keep you posted.

whoa, kinky!

The nested tag problem is the reason MTAmazon supports syntax like <MTAmazon search="[MTEntryTitle]">.

On a related note, MT also didn't support tags inside entry bodies or other generated text. So I created Process Tags, a plugin that lets you use MT tags inside the anything generated by another MT tag (like entry text).