MovableBlog: Another Way To Integrate in Movable Type

Nuance 2.0

December 19, 2003

There are already two methods of including links in your Movable Type weblog: this one using the GetXML plugin and this one using Perl and cron. There's no law saying there can't be another one, so after installing the MT-RSS plugin, place this code, with your modifications, somewhere in your index template:

<h4><a href=""></a> links</h4> <MTRSSFeed file=""> <ul><MTRSSFeedItems lastn="5"> <li><a href="<$MTRSSFeedItemLink$>"><$MTRSSFeedItemTitle$></a> <MTRSSFeedItemDescriptionExists> - <$MTRSSFeedItemDescription$></MTRSSFeedItemDescriptionExists></li> </MTRSSFeedItems></ul> </MTRSSFeed>

Replace username with either your username. Alternatively, you can replace username with /tag/custom-tag (changing custom-tag to a tag like css), making the RSS URL If you want, you can set a cron job to call to make any links you add to appear on your site, say, within the hour. That way, you wouldn't have to rebuild manually every time you post a few links to

Posted by Richard at 2:12


I copied the code into my MainIndex template. Something seems to be wrong as I fail to get a list of items that appear at Suggestions?

One reason for the failure: even though MT Plugin Manager said that the RSSFeed plugin was installed, it was not installed. For some reason on my system, plugins archived as *.tar.gz files fail to install. Which turned out to be a good thing: when I tried manually installing the RSSFeed plugin, it broke MT. (I suspect the culprit is So, while my preference was to your approach, instead I went back to Door #1. I installed GetXML by hand and now have links in my sidebar. Eat 'em up, yum-yum.