MovableBlog: Asides: December 2004

December 31, 2004

Business blogging awards The golden age of business blogging has begun! [#]

Extreme programming team room [#]

PC gaming is dead [#]

December 30, 2004

The Internet cuts into socializing and TV Well, duh. [#]

PHP predictions for 2005 [#]

Did Boing Boing add ads to its RSS feed? I don't read the site, but being one of the top-read sites on the Internet, they would have a lot of clout in the RSS ads debate. [#]

Google Zeitgeist 2004 [#]

Roger Benningfield on Skweezer and good RSS citizenship See also his comments in the post that started it all. [#]

December 29, 2004

Skweezer uses the second post of their corporate weblog to defend themselves against charges of copyright infringement The initial reaction is starting to look a lot like a classic blogger pile-on. The Skweezer folks look like they've taken some steps to reduce any unintentional harm (like reduced search-engine ranking) caused by their service. [#]

Interesting discussion about Skweezer and RSS abuse Reps from the company have commented on the weblog post, and Tod Maffin has threatened legal action if they do not remove his site from their service. [#]

bbPress Matt's announcement. [#]

December 28, 2004

rogueclassicism reviews the Archaeological Institute of America and the American Philological Association websites The AIA site is far and away the winner. [#]

Weblog design in the age of RSS Chris Anderson sees two shifts: "from the pretty to the practical" and "quality trumps quantity" with the subscription model. [#]

Ross looks at the Adsense terms of service and differentiates between what Google could do and what it would do Very sensible. [#]

December 27, 2004

Color for the non-designer "Like analyzing a block of code, knowing the syntax of the language of color is a great start for understanding its purpose." [#]

December 24, 2004

Getting the most out of MT-Blacklist [#]

Dave Shea's yearly stats Most of my hits come from RSS feeds. [#]

December 23, 2004

6A says bye to San Mateo and hello to San Francisco [#]

December 22, 2004

Freedom is Slavery: Timothy Appnel on comment spam and communities growing up The brief era of open communication is over. (Mark Pilgrim wrote essentially the same article in 2003.) [#]

The Graphing Calculator story Ah the folklore you miss when you grow up using a PC. [#]

Blogging boot camp for journalists An idea whose time has come. [#]

Darren's unenthusiastic review of Rojo I'm more enthusiastic about YASNS built around something people already do. Flickr and are excellent examples of this. [#]

Jeremy Goldkorn says that Microsoft told them to pirate Office for Mac [#]

December 21, 2004

Suw avoids RSS bankruptcy by switching from Bloglines to NNW I'm starting to agree more with DW that the three-paned aggregator, however, is not the way to go. [#]

Mena on comment spam and the new version of MT [#]

Movable Type 3.14 released [#]

December 20, 2004

Andy Smith releases the Drupal pants module It went from funny aside (see the comments) to company blog post to running joke, and now, finally, running code. [#]

Migrate your Movable Type 2.x weblog to 3.x. Already linked, but a useful guide in the Comment Spam Era. [#]

December 19, 2004

Switching from Sarafi to Firefox I switched to Firefox mainly because it warns me about closing multiple tabs when closing a windows. It doesn't use the Mac interface widgets nearly as much as Safari does, however. [#]

Kevin Marks is unimpressed with the 15-line P2P Python script [#]

Movable Type on CD-ROM [#]

December 18, 2004

LazyWeb request: RSS feeds for recently-purchased songs or albums from iTunes Music Service Or an AppleScript that will post that to my weblog. [#]

Stephanie reviews 13 free weblog-hosting platforms [#]

December 17, 2004

The Code Room, a reality TV show for programmers If there was a Mac-friendly download, I'd be watching this right now. [#]

MacSlash claims Microsoft attempted to shut them down The email response seems a bit much: MSFT was heavyhanded, maybe, but "laughable and mean-spirited"? [#]

John Gruber on changing the Markdown license to a BSD-style license from GPL Licensing discussions for me are interesting. It's the alternative markup discussions that make me sleepy. [#]

Register for Northern Voice, the Canadian Blogging Conference, before January 7th, and you might win an MP3 player! [#]

Joel on software pricing Eric Sink wrote a similar article in August. [#]

Internet Explorer is the girlfriend from hell [#]

December 16, 2004

Replace the Javascript TypeKey code in your Movable Type templates with PHP Advantages: "speed and accessibility". [#]

Enabling TypeKey on your Movable Type weblog This is easiest with a clean install. Elise has instructions for enabling TypeKey on an upgraded version of Movable Type. [#]

Six Apart's Jay Allen on comment spam and Movable Type Some patches are imminent. [#]

December 15, 2004

Using Movable Type and Apache::Filter [#]

Someone went cruisng for wifi hotspots in my hometown of Courtenay, B.C. [#]

BlogWalk on the Friday before the Canadian blogging conference in Vancouver If Roland's taking the half-day to do it, so am I. [#]

Convert you Movable Type site to PHP [#]

December 14, 2004

Google, Privacy and Journalism Commenting on Andrea's assertion that The Vancouver Sun made an ethical lapse in publishing details about a local man in trouble with the law and noting that he had an online resume. [#]

Add a daily Chinese idiom to your sidebar Latest in my series of using the same code with different variable names changed slightly to do essentially the same thing. [#]

Harry Fuecks wants to see more technical analysis of comment spammers [#]

A brief history of Lotus Notes Mark Cuban calls it callaboration software, but it may really have been coordination software. [#]

FeedBurner introduces statistics indicators, podcast inclusion improvements, and splicing of Flickr tags All three feature additions come with ruminations on the long view for FeedBurner and using syndication formats. [#]

Planet Movable Type aggregator [#]

December 13, 2004

Speakers for Northern Voice, the Canadian blogging conference held in Vancouver, announced There will be "lightning tool talks" after the speakers and panel seminars. [#]

Claudius was a nerd [#]

December 12, 2004

Movable Type is the Microsoft Outlook of blogging software [#]

December 11, 2004

Spammers using RSS feeds to find email addresses [#]

December 9, 2004

Demographics of those who answered Elise's MT survey Except for the fact that I use Firefox (longtime user) and a Mac (recent convert), I belong to the pluarlity or majority. [#]

Hosted solutions are hard Billing, technical support, and reliability and uptime all need to be addressed. [#]

December 8, 2004

InsideBlogging wants a for-pay blogger They're looking for "IT and tech-related content for clients". [#]

December 4, 2004

Conversation Killer closes comments automatically, and uses the MT-configuration interface Still requires access to cron, but that's generally true of anything that requires automatic running of scripts. [#]

What all the templates in Movable Type do More excellent unofficial documentation from Elise. [#]

Close comments from posts 7 days old every day Requires access to cron. I did something very similar a week ago (also using the excellent script) for a colleague. [#]

December 3, 2004

FeedDemon has podcasting support If I still used my PC, I'd download this in a second. [#]

December 2, 2004

Scoble: MSN Spaces is too limited He's a power-user, and the vast majority of people aren't, so I think MSFT is right to position their service as ideal for the Hotmail and MSN Messenger crowd. Sneer if you must, but that's a user base of 187 million people. [#]

iTunes Music Store for Canada is here! [#]

December 1, 2004

MSN Spaces Ugly URLs, tables and JS all over the place, unattractive default themes. You know what? Stick with BlogSpot. (Compelling features, though, are post by IM and the way everything, uh, integrates with other Microsoft products.) [#]

Movable Type weblog in Spanish I've already linked this, but I still think it's cool. It's only a matter of time before the Brazillians write a Portugese-language weblog about Movable Type (but will they call it "the Movable Type"?) [#]

Mac OS X software (open source, freeware, and inexpensively-priced) that I use regularly Links to the software along with listing of the software that I've purchased after evaluating as well as the software I'm giving serious consideration to. Updated constantly. Also links to other pages with essential software listings. [#]

Dave Shea on stock photography for web designers Darren makes his own stock photography. [#]

Micah Sittig has some Perl code to generate a sidebar links page using [#]